Jan Bringezu: “AI will make payment more efficient and secure”

Can AI-supported systems detect and prevent fraud attempts more quickly? What new payment methods will be made possible by AI? These and other questions are the focus of the discussion and offer exciting insights into the future of payment transactions.

Jan Bringezu is a banker and business economist with over 25 years of experience in banking and more than 20 years in the payments sector. He has been working as a consultant and project manager in Germany and Europe since 2000 and is the founder and managing director of Gravning.

Niels von Hase is part of the management team in Germany and Group CFO at the COEO Group, where he contributes his extensive expertise in financial management and his experience in optimizing payment processes.

In this interview, the two experts share their views on how artificial intelligence not only contributes to fraud prevention, but can also make payment transactions more efficient and user-friendly. They take a look at current trends and future developments that have the potential to fundamentally change the way we pay.

Videocast part 2


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